Hi all, today I want to talk about one of the most interested thing I observe here from the technical side. All of us (Iraqi IT Interns) visit many universities like Stanford, Berkeley (California) and Maryland, this most issue that i notices that all these university use open-source programming language to teach students the programming algorithms, high level programming and they didn't depend on the famous software companies like Microsoft, Apple,...etc (only if there is a lab. gift from this companies to that universities) and I am really surprised from that at first because in Iraq most of the college that I see uses Microsoft products (you know that there are no copyright in Iraq so it is very cheap!!).
And even when I now in the Mercy Corps they use open-source programming and platforms, all these universities and most of the companies want to be independent from Big software producers, they want to be free !! and I thank in Iraq we need to big switch to this type, and as an Instructor and IT Director in my university I will try my hard to do this change.
my friends I want your comment .......
ReplyDeleteI am 100% with you to change our system to open sources, because its free and you can change anything you want in it, most our operating system we use in our labs at university are illegal and not licensed, in other hand we have many open sores OS like ubuntu, Linux, ..etc, and many website developing language and tools like php, mySQL, iReport,..etc. that we not using them .
I hope that our University advisory staff think about it and make it recommended system to use.
ReplyDeleteI am also working in this area, if we collect our efforts together, we can be very effective, I already have done a seminar about Free and OpenSource Software, during my visit to Hewler, for more information pay a visit to our web-blog:
Hopefully, we can be effective :)